FemTech company focused on vaginal health

About Pharmiva

Pharmiva is a Swedish company active within FemTech that develops innovative and antibiotic-free treatments to improve vaginal health. The Company’s first product, Vernivia®, is a CE-approved, over-the-counter vaginal mousse for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis (BV); a common vaginal infection that affects 1 in 3 women between the ages of  14–49 years. Vernivia® vaginal mousse provides women with an effective treatment that cures the infection and provides a rapid symptom relief without problematic side-effects that are associated with current antibiotic treatments. The launch of Vernivia®, through Swedish pharmacies, marks the first step towards Pharmiva’s goal of becoming a global FemTech company, with a broad portfolio of antibiotic-free products for vaginal health. Together, the employees at Pharmiva have broad experience and knowledge from the life science sector, in the fields of therapeutics and product development.

  1. 1177, Bacterial vaginosis, What can I do myself?

Carlsquare Equity Research sees positive signals for Pharmiva’s product Vernivia and publishes update of its initial analysis

To read the update from Carlsquare Equity Research, click here.

Contact us

Pharmiva AB

Scheelevägen 4

223 81 Lund


Have you experienced a side effect from our product Vernivia? Please contact us at: complaint@vernivia.com

Product website:
