What is vaginal health?

A good vaginal health is characterized by a mildly acidic environment with a pH below 4.5. The vaginal discharge is light or translucent with a slightly acidic odor.

The microbiota is balanced by beneficial bacteria, Lactobacilli, also known as lactic acid bacteria, that naturally produce lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide, creating a protective barrier which defends the vagina against bacterial and fungal infections. Harmful bacteria do not thrive in a well-balanced and healthy vaginal environment, and a good vaginal health therefore reduces the risk of infections and inflammations. 


Bacterial vaginosis

1 %

prevalence of bacterial vaginosis in fertile women 

1 %

of all women experience at least one vaginal yeast infection, during their lives

Bacterial vaginosis is a vaginal infection that occurs as a result of an imbalance in the vaginal environment. Antibiotics is commonly used to treat the condition; however, antibiotics does not only eradicate the harmful bacteria, but it also eliminates the natural protective bacterial flora of the vagina, resulting in an imbalance in the vaginal tract that results in an increased risk for contracting additional infections such as vaginal yeast infection. Inadequate treatments raise the risk of entering a vicious cycle with recurring vaginal infections and discomforts for women suffering from bacterial vaginosis. 

The most common symptom of bacterial vaginosis is a malodorous vaginal discharge. For women affected by bacterial vaginosis, a malodorous intimate area has major impact on their everyday lives. Feelings such as embarrassment and worry about others noticing the odor are common., Furthermore, experiencing such concerns could result in a diminished wish for being intimate and impact the desire for sexual encounters2. Risk factors for bacterial vaginosis include new sexual partners, use of IUD (intrauterine device), menstruation and extensive use of hygiene products.  

1 %

experience severe or moderate discomfort3 


In our modern society, having antibiotics available when we get sick, is something that we take for granted. However, the increased use of antibiotics in combination with few novel and alternative treatment methods, has resulted in bacteria developing resistance to antibiotics. Today, antibiotic resistance is on the rise, and poses a threat to public health on a global scale.  

“World antimicrobial awareness week”, (celebrated annually) aims to raise awareness, and to prevent unnecessary use of antibiotics in our society. The “Go Blue” campaign is organized by the WHO (World Health Organisation) together with other organizations. Antibiotics save lives, and to slow down the development of bacterial resistance, we at Pharmiva want to contribute and “Go Blue”. Watch Pharmiva’s video on how we contribute to solving the problem. 

Antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest global challenges of our time

If left untreated bacterial vaginosis could eventually lead to an increased risk of contracting Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and HIV. Other complications include risk of premature birth.  

1 million

men and women around the world are expected to contract STDs each year 

  1. 1177, Bacterial vaginosis, What can I do myself?
  2. Bilardi JE, Walker S, Temple-Smith M et al. The Burden of Bacterial Vaginosis: Women’s Experience of the Physical, Emotional, Sexual and Social Impact of Living with Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis. PLOS ONE. 2013;8(9):e
  3. Pharmiva sponsored study based on web interviews, conducted by Kantar Sifo Navigare in May 2019. 611 women, age 18–45.
  4. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/sexually-transmitted-infections-(stis)